Java Offers the Highest Industry-Standard Security
As opposed to other game technologies (e.g., ActiveX), Java applets in your browser adhere to the highest industry-standard level of security. The security features in your browser and Java protect you from malicious code which could, for example, delete files or copy sensitive information from your hard disk.
Playing Online with Java is More Secure Because:
- Java applets loaded over the Internet cannot read or write your files and cannot make network connections except to the originating host.
- Java applets loaded over the net are prevented from starting other programs on your computer or from other direct access to your computer.
- When you are using Java at GameColony, you are only contacting GameColony server -- you are NOT in direct contact with your opponents: your opponents do NOT know anything about your system, your location, your IP address or anything else about you, unless you reveal the information in your online conversations.
Recommended System & Browsers
To improve your experience with our site, our recommended 'ideal' system is: Windows 2000 or later (Windows XP) with DSL or cable connection.
Please Note:
- Microsoft has fixed hundreds of stability-related & Java issues in newer Windows 2000 and Windows XP versions.
- short of upgrading to newer Windows, you can alleviate the 'freezing' problems by turning all of ALL sound via table options. Although you may experience some inconvenience regarding lack of audio move notification, you older system will become more stable.
Windows ME is NOT Windows 2000 - it is just a poorly repackaged same old Windows 98 system -- there have been hundreds of stability-related improvements by Microsoft AFTER Windows 98 was released about 4 years ago.
As opposed to a dial-up modem connection, which is slow & where phone noise, etc. interferes quite often with connection quality, DSL or cable connection can be about 100 times faster & far more reliable.
Recommended Browsers
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 or later
- Netscape Navigator 4.06 or later
- AOL version 5 or later
Note: Web-TV currently supports/utilizes VERY outdated browsers -- no Java interactivity is supported. There are better/newer TV technologies like iTV.